Lesson one

1.1       Oral narratives.

1.2       Tongue twisters.

These are words or phrases that are difficult to pronounce correctly or quickly. Tongue twisters are designed to make one accurate in the articulation of any given language in which the tongue is stated. Examples:

  1. Why can’t I tie a tie when Mr. kantie can tie a tie.
  2. She sells sea shells at the sea shore.
  3. Betty bought a bit of butter but the bit of butter she bought was bitter. 

1.3       Parables.

A parable is a short story that teaches a moral or scriptural lessons especially those recorded / told by Jesus in the Bible such as:

* Parable of the lost sheep.

* Parable of the great feast.

* Parable of the lost coin.

1.4       Proverbs

This is a short simple saying that expresses a traditionally held truth or piece of advice on common sense / experience. They are usually coupled with wise sayings such as:

  1. A new broom sweeps clean but an old broom knows all the corners.
  2. You are never too old to learn.
  3. Health is better than wealth.
  4. Life is what you make it.
  5. A small strong person is better than a big lazy person.
  6. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  7. Once beaten twice shy.

1.5       Exercise.

  1. Identify any one parable and write the full story.
  2. Write down any 5 proverbs that you know. 

1.6       Poetry.

Read and answer questions about the poem.

The lazy man.

When the cock crows,

the lazy man smacks his lips and says;

“So it’s day light again, is it?”

And before he turns over heavily,

before he even stretches himself,

before he even yawns

the farmer has reached the farm,

the water – carriers arrived at the river,

the spinners are spinning their cotton,

the Weaver works on his cloth,

and the pre blazes in the black Smith’s hut.


The lazy man knows where the soup is sweet.

he goes from house to house

If there is no sacrifice today,

his breastbone will stick out!

But when he sees the free yam,

he starts to unbutton his shirt,

he moves close to the celebrants.


Yet his troubles are not few

When his wives reach puberty

Rich men will help him to marry them.


a). Identify the speaking voice in the poem .

b). What is the subject matter of the poem?

c). What moral lessons do you learn from this poem?

d). Do you like the person talked about in this poem? Give a reason for your answer.

e). State any three things that the lazy man does.