Small Enterprises

Micro enterprises are the ones employing a maximum of four people with an annual sales turnover of maximum Ugandan shillings of 12 million and total assets of maximum Ugandans shillings 12 million.

Characteristics Of Micro Enterprises

  • They require very little money to be started
  • They require very simple technology to operate
  • Their sales are usually low
  • They usually employ the services of their owners who may be assisted by one or two persons, usually family members
  • They may not need fixed premises to operate from but where they do, they may be housed in temporary structures
  • They don’t need to be registered before they commence operations but may have to obtain operating licenses from the local authorities

Small Enterprises are the ones employing a maximum of 50 people with annual sales turnover a maximum of Ugandan shillings 360 million and total assets of maximum Ugandan shillings 360 million

Characteristics Of Small Enterprises

  • Their periodical sales are relatively higher than those of micro enterprises
  • They may use some basic and simple technology in the production system
  • They are generally easy to start and operate and may not require formal registration
  • They are relatively well established small businesses which may produce for export either directly or through large businesses E.g small enterprise include Bakeries, shops, millers etc