Effects of the Revolution on the Boers

  • There was increased Boer nationalism and they became more proud and arrogant.
  • The Boers were forced to unite against the British in order to protect their mineral wealth.
  • There was rise of powerful leaders like Paul Kruger of Transvaal.
  • The Boers states became richer and wealthier than before and therefore able to develop.
  • Due to acquiring a lot of wealth, the Boers enjoyed improved standards of living than ever before.
  • The Boers became politically strong because of their improved military power (better guns).
  • Because of the military power, the Boers started attacking and capturing neighboring African states.
  • The Boers defeated the British in 1stAnglo-Boer war and Jameson raid due to wealth got from minerals. .
  • Commercial agriculture was developed and this improved the Boer position further.
  • The capital Investment of the Boers improved as a result of the mineral revolution.
  • The Boer states that were unknown before started winning international recognition.
  • There was development of transport network in the Boer republics like roads, bridges and railway lines E.g. the Delgado-Transvaal railway line (1877) and the Natal-Transvaal railway line (1891).
  • New ports were built and steamer ships put on the major rivers like Vaal, Orange, etc.
  • Social infrastructure was also improved such as schools and hospitals came into existence.
  • Banks also came up like Orient Bank and Standard Chartered Bank as part of the general infrastructural development.
  • Insurance companies also came up to insure people’s property against any risks.
  • There was growth of towns in the Boer republics like Pretoria, Johannesburg and Vereeniging.
  • There was a development of international trade between the whites in S. Africa and the outside world. Therefore foreign exchange earnings for the Boers increased improving their economic status further.
  • Bad practices like theft, prostitution, petty crimes increased in Boer republics.
  • There was shortage of labour on Boer farms as Africans moved to search for better jobs in mines and towns.
  • Many industries sprung up in the Boer states. The Boers got good jobs in the mines and industries that increased their earnings.
  • There was a drop in cash crop production as a result of shortage of labour on the Boer farms.
  • Many Whites especially of British origin i.e. Uitlanders moved into Boer republics to benefit from minerals.
  • The coming of the foreigners resulted into loss of land by the Boers. E.g. near Griqualand west.
  • Land became expensive around the mines because of mineral discovery.
  • There were increased conflicts between British and the Boers as they competed for minerals.
  • These conflicts resulted into wars e.g. the 1st Anglo-Boer war in 1880-1881, the Jameson raid in 1895 and the 2nd Anglo-Boer war in 1899-1902.
  • Some Boers lost their lives in these wars and others died in the mine accidents.
  • There was destruction of property during the wars e.g .houses.
  • The enmity between the British and Boers delayed the union of S. Africa as the Boers were suspicious of the British.
  • There was a rise of new class of poor whites who did not benefit completely from the mineral discovery.
  • The Boers prospered because of taxing mining companies like De Beers Company of Cecil Rhodes.
  • Boer imperialism increased and started competing with British over control of S. Africa. The British annexation of Boer republic e.g. Transvaal in 1877 made them lose their independence to the British.