Lesson four
4.1 Search engines
These are internet programs used to find resources (information) on the World Wide Web for example videos from YouTube. They index internet addresses which enables the internet user to find information he or she wants. But when we are using them we should know that a search engine may not have everything you may need.
Examples of search engines include:
Yahoo! Bing AltaVista YouTube |
Infoseek Hotbot Excite Lycos |
Cuil Go.com Galaxy GIGA BLAST AllTheWeb |
4.2 How Information can be got from the internet
To get information from the internet, make sure your computer has internet services. Then start a web browser like Google Chrome. Type in the uniform resource locate likehttps://www.google.com/. Then this page will appear.

In the Google search box type in a word or a phrase of words describing what you are searching for. For example I want to get some information about Manchester united the club.

Click on search and Google will give you different information about Manchester united. Choose the appropriate information that will satisfy your needs and click on the title once.

Use the same procedures to find information from other search engines like Wikipedia