Lesson two


            These are the services that are available on internet. And some of the services include:

2.2       Internet communication services:

Video conferencing is a mode of communication whereby different parties or people can communicate by using a simultaneous two way video and audio transmission. Here the members can attend to a meeting from their homes on their computers or phones but they will be seeing and hearing each other.

To carry out video conferencing, you need these items: a web cam, computer or phone, network or internet, microphone, video conferencing software (like iChat, Skype, iVist, Gizmo and others) ,codec, modem or router and speakers. Video and audio conferencing is supported by a VOIP (Voice over internet protocol). VOIP is a protocol that enables one computer or communication device to transmit a video or an audio signal to another device.

There many advantages of using a video or audio conferencing in communication and some of the advantages are:

  • Saves transport fares for the meetings
  • The meeting can be recorded
  • In case of limited classrooms, this is the best method of teaching
  • It’s cheaper than holding physical meetings like paying for rooms, seats and others.

On the other hand, this method of communication is disadvantageous in the following ways:

  • Communication may not be effective especially when some people are not close to the microphones
  • Some tools used in audio or video conferencing are costly.
  • It creates room for lies especially when carrying out audio conferencing.

IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) this is another new internet communication service whereby internet services are delivered by use of internet protocol suite. With this service, you can watch a live television program over the internet.

2.3       Email services

Internet can enable you communicate with your friends through use of electronic messages (Email). An email is a message that is sent to one or more people over the internet.

Emails are delivered into mailboxes that are provided by mailbox providers like Yahoo, hotmail, rocketmail, gmail and others. Most common email systems base on “store and forward model” whereby a massage can be sent and a copy will be stored automatically on your account. 

Instant messaging; this is a communication form on the internet that offers text based massage sending and receiving. This can also be done using chat rooms where two people can carry out instant communication over the internet.

With the most recent instant messaging, people can carry out video calling (also known as point to point video conferencing.) and chatting.

2.3       E-commerce services:

electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. This service enables people to shop and sell online. What you need is to enter a website of a shopping mall like www.amazon.com  ,www.eBay.in ,www.bestbuy.com, www.overstock.com  among others, add goods to the shopping cart and enter your details including your credit card number and wait for the delivery. But you should choose a legal shopping mall because there are many thieves on the internet.

2.4       Netiquette services

The word netiquette is made up of two words. That is net which stands for a network and etiquette which means good behaviors that can be showed to others.

Now the combination of the two words has ameaning: good behaviors that can be shown on a network. The network can be a LAN, Intranet, internet or any other. Like many public areas have etiquettes, also when you are on a network you need to mind about other people. Some of the rules of netiquette are as follows

  • No all caps. This means that when you are writing a message to someone, do not use capital letters. Using capital letters may appear like you are shouting at someone.
  • No flaming. Flaming on internet means sending messages that will anger the recipients. Flames are sometimes sent by people who are annoyed but this may bring out problems.
  • Avoid sending messages at night. This may look like interference
  • No spamming. Spam messages are the one that goes or sent to the people that are not supposed to receive them.
  • Do not lurk. It’s not good to receive a message and avoid replying or responding to it.
  • Respect other people and copyrights
  • Be honest. Avoid telling lies on a network.
  • Use proper grammar and spellings
  • Be yourself. You should behave humanly for example do things to others that you would wish other people to do to you
  • Mind about quality of the message than the quantity

2.5       Internet service providers (Internet Services Providers)

These are bodies that provide the internet services to the internet users. These bodies provide internet and the internet users pay. They sell internet in form of bandwidth (this is the volume of information (in bytes) per second used). These ISPs will depend on your location for example in Uganda we have:

  • Airtel Uganda
  • MTN
  • Waridtel
  • Orange
  • Uganda TL
  • Infocom Uganda
  • SpaceNet
  • Broadband